This is my art journey logs as one of my new year's resolutions for 2023. I'm providing myself with a Weekly Challenge.
For every week (which is 52 times this year), I should come to this page and add things I spent time on art. It can be learning a minor feature or part or form. Or a complete diagram inspired online. Whatever it is,
Documentation, Tips and tricks
Art with Flo - A journey
She follows different art forms in different tutorials. Some of the art forms are Isometric drawing, Paper pencil drawing, texture drawing and so on.
So during the process of learning try to mimic the art at first with the style intended in the video. Then try to switch styles of art and see.
for eg: Pen and Ink Drawing X Isometric Drawing
So two drawings have totally different perspectives and styles. Just by cross-styling them, we can learn a lot about the process. Which works and which doesn't?
Weekly Logs
Week 1 - Pen and Ink Art - Art with Flo
Week 9 - Minimal Art
Week 10 - Shapes